Monday, December 8, 2008

Thank you...

everybody for all the get well wishes.. Caiden slept pretty good, but when he woke up this morning (early) I went in the dark to his room, hoping I could lay him back down, as soon as I touched him I knew it's not gonna happen, he was cooking, I took him out of bed and for sure his temperature was 103 (39,4 Grad). I wanted to get him some Motrim, but unfortunatly the bottle felt over last night and everything was sticking on the shelf... great! There was not much left in the bottle. So I tried to call Chris to ask him if he could pick some up at the shopette. But he didn't answered his phone, so I left him a message, hoping he would check before he comes back. By that time I realized that I was luckly not feeling to bad, my nose is still running and I'm overall a little sore but not too bad (must be a Mum-thing, that you just can ignore that you are not feeling good)

Caiden's diaper rash was way better than last night so yeah for Weleda Creme!!! I took him downstairs to get his bottle ready, but he was just hanging on me, all snotty, hot and feeling misarble, I was not able to put him down, so I did everything one armed... We mostly just sat on the couch and he took about half of his bottle, I sang songs to him and he was just cuddling with me. I felt soo sorry.
Arround 8 o'clock finally Chris came home, but without Motrim, he didn't saw the message on his phone. But at that point, Caiden didn't feel as warm as he was this morning.

I had a dr. appointment this morning and it was pretty clear that I was not able to take the little man. So Chris called work and asked if he could stay home until lunch so I can go to the dr. Thanks to Maj. B. who took over Chris's team this morning! So I went to the doctor, and of course I had to wait forever to be in for 5 minutes (I always wonder what all the other ladies do sooo long in the exam room), run to the PX, learned that they were out of Baby Motrim (great again) drove up to Safeway bought the Motrim there and went straight back home. The little man took a little nap during I was gone, was still very cuddly but his temperature was down to 101! We still gave him some Motrim, because you could tell that he was not feeling good. And after he had the medicine he felt so much better, he ate a little and we could actually put him down and he even played a little bit.

He grabbed his ears a couple times, and I think if he still having fever by tomorrow and is not feeling good I will probably bring him in, just to check if he doesn't have an ear infection. Right now I think it's just a cold or maybe a reaction of the shots he got last week...

Right now he is sleeping and I try to catch up with everything and I'm just hoping that I will stay ok as I'm now and don't get worse, so I can take good care of him


Jayla'sMommy said...

hoffentlich gehts ihm bald wieder besser!

Kerstin said...

Awww gib meinem Schwiegersohn nen dicken Kuss von uns!! Juna muss auch AB nehmen, sie hat auch ne fette Virusinfektion... die armen Kleinen...

Sazou said...

Gute Besserung an den kleinen Mann!! Ist es vielleicht das 3 Tage Fieber? DAs erinnert mich stark an Lucas als wir in MN. Ich hab ihm dann auch Baby Tylenol gegeben, als meine Fieberzaepfchen ausgegangen sind und das hat viel besser geholfen....