Thursday, January 8, 2009

Sew many projects..too much UFO'S

As the new year begun, all these wonderful projects are popping up online. BOM's and idea's way to much to do them all, especially when you are ready to pop for yourself and than having two kids under two in your house, and just started your own little home business...

But for some reason I'm getting antsy and want to do something new so bad...

So as an little reminder, what happends when I fall for a project and turn it quickly into an UFO (unfinished object) I went through my pictures and I was shocked how much UFO's I actually found, scary scary. So here are they:

The Alberta Star: I finished all the colorful blocks, not the dark blue/light blue ones... kind of a big UFO
The Storm at the sea: that's a really little UFO, I just have to do some quilting on it, not even much, just a couple rows.. but I'm not a big fan of quilting.. so this one is gonna be pushed back and back even though I know it's just about 3 hours of work left...

The Silvia Bridal Sampler: I have 9 finished blocks, and for some reason on the website the blocks were posted you can't download any more.. so I decided to turn this in a nice little wallhanging or babyquilt. I have sewn two rows together.. so that would be another afternoon or two to finish this UFO... come on that is really a fun little project...

The Coffee and Cream Quilt: I think I finished about 15 blocks, and have about 9 million to go.. big UFO.. and not much fun either.. I did one log cabin quilt 5 years ago and I love it, but I should have rememberd that it was such a pain to make.. all these little stripes.. yuck!

The Americana Quilt: I actually had this quilt in hands just a couple of days ago, and I bought a really nice background fabric, but when I came home I realized that it was just not engouh of the back to finished it, so it went back in to my closet waiting, until I figure out what background I could use instead of that oh so perfect but too small dark blue fabric..

And the Big Block Beauty: I have exactly ONE Block finished! Just one... I mean I need about nine to have a queen size quilt done, because the blocks are sooo big, but one block is a lot of work, but isn't it pretty???

So... these are my UFO'S and you tell me now: Am I crazy or what to think about doing more... and of course there is more.. I didn't say a word about the Noah's Ark BOM, about all the bags I want to sew, and I was just asking a friend, because I saw the dinosaur Quilt, to make that for her grandson... So I really really do have engouh to do.. why in the world do I want to start another project???

I should stop buying magazines, I should stop checking out other people's blogs and websites and I should defintly stop buying fabrics like a maniac... I really did loose my mind and I'm pretty sure it's in one of my boxes full of idea's and fabric...


Kerstin said...

nicht stressen lassen.. die UFO's laufen Dir nicht weg (haha) und warten geduldig bis Du wieder Zeit und Muse hast... Ich bewundere Dich ja eh schon wie Du das alles machst... irgendwann komm ich mal auf nen Naehkurs vorbei.... *lol*

Allgäumädel said...

Fleißig warst du, und deine Tops sehen spitzenmäßig aus. Nicht stressen lassen, ich glaube du brütest im Endspurt. Geniesse die letzten Tage zu dritt. Danach ist wieder alles anderst.
LG Patricia

Annika said...

WOW...ich bin immer wieder begeistert Deine Arbeiten zu sehen.

Julia Arteno said...

Wow, die sehen ja echt super aus. Du muesstest echt nen cafepress shop oder so aufmachen, du wuerdest bestimmt jede Menge verdienen!!! Ich wuenschte ich koennte sowas auch...

Sabine said...

Toll...Ich schaue mir gerne deine Arbeiten an...Alles ist sooooo schööööön...Dieser Big Block gefällt mit total gut...Du hast auch immer viele Arbeiten fertig...Brauchst dich also garnicht stressen...Pass schön auf euch auf...*lol*...


Daniela said...

Mensch ich haette gerne ne ganz kleine Scheibe von deinem Talent. Ich bewundere immer all die tolle Sachen die du naehst.

Carolin said...

Danke ihr alle, das Problem bei kreativen Talent ist wirklich dass der Tag keine 100 Std hat und man immer wieder was neues findet was man gerne ausprobieren wuerde.. deswegen gibt es soviele UFO's... fragt nur mal meinen Mann, der findet das gar nicht lustig..

Sandra W. said...

Man du machst echt super schoene Quilts! Ich kann leider noch nicht allzu viele blogs, aber werde wieder eine Quilt class machen und mir auch online selber Sachen beibringen.
Ich mag den Blog mit den zwei Herzen, welchen du als Wallhanging machen willst. Ist mal was anderes wenn die Naht oben ist. Sehr schoen!!!!
Viele Gruesse!