Tuesday, January 13, 2009

No privacy

Latley I found more and more bloggers who made their blogs only for invited readers (I had actualy three, that I can't read anymore) I do understand the motifs of people who are stetting their blogs on private, but on the other hand I asked, why are they still blogging if nobody or only their friends can read it.

Of course if you feel stalked or not secured, or even you feel that you can't write what you are thinking about, that leads to the same thing, you rather don't write at all.

Here is my opinion about setting your blog onprivate.

I do know and I am aware about that there are probably a million weired people out there, who might get some kind of weiered kick about it, to read other people's blog and/or stalk them. So far I didn't had that experience and I'm glad about it. I could see myself be freaked out if somebody would.

On the other hand I don't think I'm that special or my life is that interesting that somebody would actually do that to me, my posts are way to bla bla to give somebody a kick in any way (I think) Yes I do give some private information out, but I don't think if would be enough to actually find out who I really am and where I live. Maybe if you really would try and really want to find me, yes you could, but you probably find me eaiser in the Phonebook along with my adress. But why would somebody really try to find me??

In fact so far, I had only really really good experience with the internet, I found some amazing friends online, who turned into real friends, and over the years I know them, I would deeply regret if I never met them.
When I moved to the states I didn't know ANYBODY for over 4 months, until I made a couple first contacts and now living here for three years I still have not a lot of friends, which is fine with me, because the people I do know here are really close and really good friends. And again, these first contacts I made online!!!I would probably still be here knowing nobody if I wouldn't have the internet ( and use it ... a lot)

One of my main reasons why i blog is 1. to keep my family and friends updated and entertained. It just works for me better, than writing a round mail every couple months. I just write down if I had a good day, a bad day or just have something to think about it, and want to share my thougths. Usual stuff I would probably to at work or so.. just some smalltalk and chatting, and the feedbacks I do get are amazing to me, I'm always so excited when I post a blog to get comments on it.
My second main reason is to meet new people. If you know me, my most favorite hobbies are Patchwork and sewing and cooking. For a long time (before I used the internet so much) I thought I had the weiredest hobbies for a young woman. I went to a couple cooking classes, sewing and Patchwork classes and I was always the youngest EVER! (I did my first patchwork class at the age of 18 and the next oldest lady was 45 LOL) So of course I never really attached to somebody there, where I thought it would be fun to meet again. Since I do blogging and I do share my projects online, I found so many women like me who are young and share my hobby. I got so much inspiration, information and feedback and it's sooo much fun to chat about all that stuff. I never would get that far in my creativity if I would not write my blog and read other people blogs! And especially on the patchwork blogs I do get so much comments and I'm always excited to see who reads them and then I go and check out their blogs and they have links on their sidebar, that I might check out or I found a blog that we both read and the information is just endless, which just amazes me. So just imagine, everybody would have their blogs just for invited readers... what would we all missing!!!

Same thing happend to me when I first met my husband. I'm not out of an area where the Army was/is big, I lived not to far away of two army posts, but I really never met an American soldier before my husband (and bang the first one I married.... isn't that crazy) Anyway, I met my husband, and a three month later he got deployed and I faced a year deployment without ANY idea what was going on and how to handle it, and nobody did acutally understand me, because.. well I just met that guy and now he is gone... I searched online and found a forum for german soldiers, which lead me to my first online friends which turned out to be some of my closest friends today.. I'm now a member in two Army related Forums and even though there are some people who are anoying the living shit out of me, they never would catch up with all the amazing people I met there and turned out to be good friends.

I love to meet new people, I love to share the "boring normal" life that I have and I also love to read other people's story.

So I decided for myself that I will not set my blog on private... I hope I can encourage more people to write a blog and to read other people blogs, maybe one day you will find a person who is gonna turn out to be a good friend and can help you some how!

So Happy Blogging to all of us!


Sazou said...

Ich hab mich das auch schon oefter gefragt... Kann dir in allen Punkten nur zustimmen.

Daniela said...

Ich find es auch etwas schade das mehrere Leute in letzter Zeit ihre Blogs privat machen. Ich denk auch, mein Blog ist so langweilig, wer soll mich da schon stalken. Immerhin schreib ich ja eh fast nur ueber Aiden...LOL.

Julia Arteno said...

Ich hab meinen Blog privat das es mich einfach extrem genervt hat, dass ich Leute hatte die sich meinen Blog jeden Tag angeschaut haben mir aber nie gesagt haben wer sie sind und teilweise waren die fuer mehr als 30 Minuten und so drauf (hab ja sitemeter und konnt das sehen). Ich fuehle mich einfach wohler und sicherer jetzt wenn ich Videos und Fotos und private Sachen poste. Ich fands auch immer schoen ueber blogger neue Leute kennenzulernen, aber ich finds einfach besser meinen privat zu haben...

MiMa said...

Mein Blog ist auch öffentlich, wird auch so bleiben. Ich denk mir zwar, dass es nicht sehr interessant ist, aber Freunde und Bekannte können so lesen, was bei uns los ist. Über den Dienst meines Mannes und meine Arbeit schreib ich nur allgemein, denn die Details sind dann doch bissl zu privat und könnten grad bei Mario einiges an Ärger bringen. Genauso handhabe ich es mit den Fotos bei Flickr.
Caro, bei dir klick ich gern die Blogs (hört sich komisch an :))) ) durch, die du so liest und grad die aus'm Patchwork Forum. Da sind teils total schöne Sachen. Bei der einen find ich die Schnecken z.b. total schön oder die Aktion bei der Mützen für's Krankenhaus genäht werden.

Kerstin said...

Kann mich Dir nur anschliessen... warum ueberhaupt nen Blog schreiben, wenn man ihn dann auf privat macht... gibt fuer mich keinen Sinn.

Anonymous said...

Na dann moecht ich mal endlich Hallo sagen :-)

Ich verfolge deinen Blog schon eine Weile (weiss schon gar nicht mehr, wie er mir ueber den Weg gelaufen ist ;-)).

Ich bin eine Mutter von 2 kleinen Maedchen, lebe auch in den USA (mein Mann ist Amerikaner) und ich habe vor ein paar Monaten mit dem Naehen angefangen und finde es klasse, was du alles so herstellst und auch Erklaerungen dazu gibst. Hab schon einiges gelernt von dir.

Ganz liebe Gruesse aus dem kalten Ohio,

♥Kerstin♥ said...

Gut geschrieben Caro, ich kann mich dem nur anschliessen. Bei mir war auch ein Forum fuer dt. Soldatenehefrauen der Anfang. So haben wir uns ja auch kennengelernt. Du warst da glaube ich gar nicht, aber eine Freundin hat Dir erzaehlt dass dort jemand auch in Colorado Springs ist.
Ich bin auch froh und dankbar fuer die lieben Freunde die ich uebers Internet kennengelernt habe. Das macht es einem auch einfacher umzuziehen, man findet viel schneller Kontakt. Hier in Schweinfurt habe ich auch schon Kontakt zu lieben Menschen die ich uebers Internet kennengelernt habe.

Und ja, auf einige im Forum koennte ich verzichten, aber ich habe jede Tag aufs neue die Moeglichkeit diese zu ueberlesen.

Mein Blog bleibt auch offen, auf privat habe ich nur den Blog fuer Daniel solange er deployed ist.