Sunday, January 25, 2009

Just a couple pictures

I want to say thank you to all of you for all the good wishes from all over the world!! 36 comments WOW I didn't know so many people are stopping by at my blog.

As you imagine, we've been very busy, acutally it's 9.30 pm and it's the first time I'm on the computer. Usually or pre-Caleigh time, I went on the computer right after breakfast, and Caiden was playing on the floor.. but oh well, I'm sure in a couple of days we will have a Routine and getting use to have two babies in the house. By the way, I'm sure Caiden grow 15 inches and gained at least 10 lbs in weight during the 1,5 days I haven't seen him. He is huge compare to little itsy bitsy Caleigh!!! Do you remember when I posted pictures of him in his PJ's and said he had such skinny legs... no kidding, these are two chunks of legs now!! LOL..

Well so far Caleigh is doing good, she had some sleep issuse last night and Chris did a couple laps in the hallway with her, so I could get some rest, but today she seems to sleep better, she has the "normal" breastfeeding poops, my milk got in, so she got probably more food too. Breastfeeding works well, still kind of painful for me, but I know that will go away soon.

We also had our Meet the Baby open house, and it was really nice, almost everybody was able to make it (hopefully we see everybody else soon) and we just had a good time. Caiden was really entertained and a really good boy.

Here is a picture of him sharing his Schnulli with Caleigh (well, he throw it in the pack'n'play and than wanted back) Caleigh has, like Caiden long fingers and toes. I took a picture of her little hand wearing Chris' wedding band, to show how tiny she is.

of course Tante Tina was here today to meet her new "niece" and see Mr. Caiden. Thanks for making the long drive I hope we will see you soon (before the next baby LOL)
That's how our evenings are looking right now. We are just hanging out on the couch, holding the baby and Caiden is either cuddleing with us, or playing on the floor.
Nina loves Caleigh too!
Unfortunatly I totally forgot to make more pictures today, we got so many great gifts and it was so nice to have lots of friends around us, just chatting and so!
Oh and for everybody who wants to know, we decided that I will get an IUC asap and Chris is not getting fixed. The plan is, that we will have birth control for the next 5 years, if we decide to have another baby during that time, we can remove it, or if we think after these 5 years we are happy as a family of four, Chris is gonna get the Vasectomy then. I think that is a good amount of time to think about it and it's not a lifetime decision yet!


Anonymous said...

Ich schau hier schon immer mal wieder vorbei um neue Fotos zu sehen...hach, einfach suess eure Kleine! vor allem auf dem letzten Foto mit Nina sieht sie Caiden total aehnlich! ich hoffe die Routine tritt bald ein :)

Susanne said...

Eure kleine Maus ist wirklich zuckersüß. Aber nicht nur sie, auch Caiden ist ein total süßer Knuffel. Ich drück Euch die Daumen, dass alles nach Euren Vorstellungen klappt und wünsch Euch eine glückliche Zeit.
Übrigens finde ich den Weg mit der Verhütung toll. So bleibt noch genug Zeit um eine endgültige Entscheidung zu treffen.
Liebe Grüße übern großen Teich

Sandra W. said...

Eure Kleine ist echt soooo winzig! Und ich glaub es ist normal, dass das aeltere Kind einem so riessig vorkommt. Als ich heimkam dachte ich auch PJ ist einen Meter gewachsen. haha. Komisch, oder?

Julia Arteno said...

Schoene Fotos :) Und Caleigh ist echt sooo winzig aber ich glaub das kommt einem noch mehr so vor, weil Caiden eben so viel groesser ist. Ich staune auch immer wenn ich Jayla's newborn outfits sehe und frag mich wie sie jemals da rein gepasst hat.

Das mit der IUC ist ne gute Idee. Das machen wir genauso. Ich hab die kommende Woche nen Termin und bekomme meine eingesetzt.

Daniela said...

Suesse Bilder, vorallem das Bild mit Chris Ehering find ich schon der Hammer. Sooo mini!

♥Kerstin♥ said...

Das Bild mit Nina ist so suess, wie vorsichtig sie hingeht, einfach zum knuddeln.

Der Ring sieht so gross aus an Caleighs Fingern.

Annika said...

Eure Gene passen sehr gut zusammen!!!

Das Bild von Caleigh mit dem Ehering ist klasse.

GlG Annika