Thursday, March 12, 2009

such a nice night

It's already two weeks ago, but I had a girls night out the other day, and it was sooo nice. Raina (in the picture on the right) had her 30ths Birthday and as a suprise we took her out to the melting pot. It's a fondue restaurant. We had a menue with a Cheese Fondue, a meat fondue and as a desert a chocolate fondue! It was amazing! I think I was never that stuffed before. We all pretty much rolled ourselves out! It was kind of pricy, too. But if you want to do something special, try it out. We had so much fun, the service was exellent and the food was delicious.
on the picture is starting from the left; myself (with Caleigh who slept through the whole thing), my lovley Tina, Cara, Stephanie, Nicole and Raina, the Birthdaygirl!


Julia Arteno said...

Klingt ja echt lecker. Schade dass wir so weit von CO wegwohnen...
Und ne girls night out klingt sowieso super, sowas muss ich auch bald endlich mal wieder machen...

Mel said...

da waren wir auch bei der vorletzten Mom's Night Out...fand es auch total lecker!

The Williams said...

War super schoen und auch seeeehr lecker. :)