Thursday, March 19, 2009

screw you Victoria!

For decades I wanted new "nice" underwear, and by nice, most of you know, means expensive. I always wanted to do a shopping trip to Victoria Secret, but everytime when I went I just couldn't see myself buying a bra for 40 bugs and above. But at home I was so upset with all my cheap bras, because they never fit right.

So one of my goals for my weightloss was, that I will go and buy pretty underwear.

Well, not anymore, yesterday I went to Ross to see if they have nice shoes for Caiden. Well, they didn't but I ended up buying 5 bras and I spend under 30 $ for it, and it was all brand names, like Maidenform, Jockey and playtex. And they fit great. I'm so happy. So Victoria, keep your expensive stuff, I'm happy for now (but I still want a really nice set of underwear someday)


MiMa said...

Victoria wer??? *fragend guck und grins* :) Glückwunsch zu deinen Markenschnäppchen :)

Sazou said...

Hahah, wie geil. Ich hab ja en paar Sachen von Victoria's Secret, aber auch nur, weil sie die grad runtergesetzt hatten bzw. meine Schwiegeroma mir was gekauft hat. Aber ich muss schon sagen, dass die Qualitaet jetzt nicht BESSER ist wie andere.

Anonymous said...

Glückwunsch zum Schnäppchen! Ich finde VS zwar gut, aber von der Qualität sind die so im Mittelfeld ... insb. finde ich das Zeug nicht wirklich haltbar.