Friday, April 17, 2009

A nice afternoon

Today my friend Stephanie with her kids came over to visit. Lucy is just two days older than Caiden, we were neighbours when we got pregnant (must be something in the water) and we almost ended up at the hospital together (but the day Caiden was born, Stephanie went home)

Like always the kids had a blast together. Lucy loves babies and was so excited to hold Caleigh and she gave her lots of kisses.

The boys were playing outside in the sandbox and throwing balls for NinaTonight another snowstorm is suppose to come in. The weather here is always so strange, in the morning the kids were playing outside in T-shirts and this afternoon the big very dark clouds rolled in over the mountians and the radio is talking about 8-10 incheds of snow... we will see whats happening

1 comment:

Karin said...

Schöne Bilder der Kids.

So sah der Himmel bei uns gestern auch aus - allerdings war es bei uns ein Gewittersturm. Hoffentlich bekommt ihr nicht wirklich soviel Schnee wie die Wetterfrösche vorhergesagt haben.

LG Karin aka bizkitea98