Sunday, February 21, 2010

They're eating again..

Ever since Chris left, the kids didn't really want to eat.. even the stuff they usual ate they wouldn't like anymore. Which was weired because at least Caiden was always a good eater... Well two days ago they both finally got their appetite back. on Friday night I made Eierpfannenkuchen (german Pancakes) and they ate so much that I thought I had to make a second batch of batter.

First I thought, yeah it's because it's sweet (I put Cherry-Jam or Nutella or Cinnamon Sugar on it) but the next day I made Spaghetti Bolognese and they both ate A LOT
Next day they ate Oranges (or as Caiden call it: ARSCH)
I also got told that Caiden ate a lot at Daycare yesterday, so much that the Teacher was actually worried that he would get sick, and that was after the Spaghettis for Lunch.
Still Caleigh has Diarrhea. Today already twice.. but at least now she is eating something...
Last but not least here a picture of the Nina-Pup.. that how she looks after I woke her up arround midnight yesterday, to tell her it was time to go upstairs.. she is just a weired dog...


Lotte said...

Guten morgen
(oder wie spät ist es bei dir?*gg)
schön, dass sie ihren Appettit zurück haben. Hast du schon was rausbekommen wegen caleigh?

MiMa said...

Bei Eierkuchen und Spaghetti hätte ich auch gefuttert ohne Ende :)
Schön, dass es den beiden so gut geschmeckt hat!!
*daumendrück*, dass es so bleibt!!