Sunday, December 6, 2009


This morning we woke up and finally got some snow, it was ice cold (20 and below F or minus 12 Grad) but no snow. But today for Nikolaus-Day here it was. I took Nina and Caiden out for a sled-Ride.
We had a lot of fun. I tried to make Nina pulling us on the sled, but I guess she is not a Husky and wouldn't walk with the weight on her. So we went down the little hill in front of our house a couple times and then I pulled Caiden arround the streets. He sat really still and just enjoyed the ride.

And this is how my son's hair looks EVERY single morning before I brush it. Very thankful for detangling spray. Looks a little bit like a Kate Gosselin hairstyle, does it??


MiMa said...

*lol* Was macht Caiden denn wenn er schläft?? Sieht ja richtig wüst aus.

Kerstin said...

hahaha so sieht Juna auch jeden morgen aus..nur das die Haare ca. 15cm laenger sind...

Kate Gosslin... ich schmeiss mich weg... Du bist FIES!!!