Monday, December 7, 2009

a not so good weekend

ok usually I'm a pretty positive and happy person, I don't whine about a lot of things and most of the times if I'm complaining about something and doesn't last very long. But this weekend was just a little bit too much.

1. my husband is leaving for Afg. here pretty soon, actually we are in single digits now, which is upsetting just to have that

2. both kids a teething and had diarrhia, Caleigh especially, the poor thing had about 10-15 poopy diapers a day now, for four days. Her poop also is really acidy.. you get the picture how horrobile her little butt looks. I tried everything, but it's still pretty bad. She screams so painful when I change her it almost makes me cry too. Caiden had a little diaper rash but his was not as bad as Caleigh's.

3. our bathroom-project, we were already behind and short on time on friday. Than Chris decided to put the grout on the tiles in one piece, so he would be done with that. Bad bad choice. He was done at arround midnight, on Friday and went to bed without wiping the Grout off the tiles. On Saturday we discovered that the grout was hard as a rock and I spent four hours trying to scrub that sh*** off. I got a lot of it off. But that stuff is still sticking in every little tiny hole that the tiles have. It's like a nightmare. Chris and I spent all weekend do scrub off grout. With scrubs, brushes, harsh chemicals, knives.. you name it. My hands and arms are so sore and I have blisters all over my hands. I can't even imagine how Chris is feeling, he did double as much as I did. So far we got the tiles on the walls cleaned up, the whole floor to go. Chris had to go back to work and I just don't see it right now how we gonna finish that before he leaves...

This was supposed to be one of the last weekends we could spent together and I didn't really planned on scrubbing grout unt 1 o'clock in the morning.

Due to all that you can imagine how my mood is. First I was so pissed off, than desperate and now I'm just numb and not able to think at all.

I'm trying to have the kids in daycare for a day this week and hopefully on Saturday. I don't think Chris and I are able to go out, like we planned.. but at least we will get the damn bathroom done!

Sorry for the whining, I promise it will not get a habit


Kerstin said...

Juna bekommt auch immer sofort nen super wunden Popo (sie hat auch so nen ekligen acid Stuhl wenn sie zahnt) und bei ihr hilft es, wenn ich sie bade, gar nicht mit Feuchttuechern hingeh und danach mit viel Vaseline einschmier...

Unknown said...

Liebe Caro,

leider ist mein englisch echt schlecht.....

Aber für den armen wunden Popo nehm ich auch immer Panthenol.

LG myri

Heike said...

Ich drück dich mal feste!! :-*

MiMa said...

Wenn Scheiße, dann mit Schwung ;)

Den Kindern ein *daumen drücken*, dass die Zähne schnell durch sind.

Und dir und deinem Mann, dass ihr den Boden so gut es geht sauber bekommt und noch ein klein wenig eure paar gemeinsamen Tage anders verbringen könnt, als euch im Bad an den Fliesen zu "vergnügen"

LG und Power in den Armen ;)

*drück dich*

Karin said...

Ohje, da kommt ja alles zusammen!

Ich drück euch die Daumen, dass ihr doch noch ein bisschen Zeit für Zweisamkeit findet und euren zwei Kleinen eine gute Besserung.

Simone +Jarrod said...

ah, das mit dem Durchfall haben wir auch gerade, da jemand zahnt. Ich nehme Bepanthen, das hilft bisher ganz gut