Thursday, December 31, 2009
Caiden's 2 Year Check up

Monday, December 28, 2009
Nachtrag Weihnachtsgeschenke
Fuer die Kinder einer Freundin hab ich Quillows gemacht. Das sind kleine Decken die eine Kissenplatte auf der Rueckseite haben und die man so falten kann das sie dann ein Kissen sind. Sehr praktisch fuer unterwegs und ganz fix genaeht.

Weihnachten ist vorbei...

Caiden hat eine Staffelei bekommen, genau das richtige fuer meinen kleinen Kuenstler. \

Annika hat Caleigh mit Twinkle Twinkle in den Schlaf gesungen.
Die zwei Tage waren wunderschoen und sehr erholsam fuer uns alle. Vielen Dank nochmal an euch, Claudia!!
Nun bin ich wieder daheim und alleine.. aber wird schon, die letze Woche im alten Jahr bekommen wir auch noch rum
Friday, December 25, 2009
Frohe Weihnachten
Er war zumindest besonders nett zu Caiden und Caleigh und hat ihnen eine tolle Kinder-Kueche gebracht.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
to make a deployment easier

The geographic entity now known as Afghanistan has a very long history, and has been an ancient focal point of the Silk Road and migration. It is an important geostrategic location, connecting East and West Asia or the Middle East. The land has been a target of various invaders, as well as a source from which local powers invaded neighboring regions to form their own empires. Ahmad Shah Durrani created the Durrani Empire in 1747, which is considered the beginning of modern Afghanistan.[10]
Its capital was shifted later from Kandahar to Kabul and most of its territories ceded to neighboring empires. In the late 19th century, Afghanistan became a buffer state in "The Great Game" played between the British Empire and Russian Empire.[11] On August 19, 1919, following the third Anglo-Afghan war, the country regained independence from the United Kingdom over its foreign affairs.
Since the late 1970s Afghanistan has experienced a continuous state of civil war punctuated by foreign occupations in the forms of the 1979 Soviet invasion and the 2001 U.S.-led invasion that toppled the Taliban government. The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) did not authorize the U.S.-led military campaign in Afghanistan (Operation Enduring Freedom).[12] In late 2001 the United Nations Security Council authorized the creation of an International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) composed of NATO troops. The country is being rebuilt by international support, while dealing with a strong insurgency. In November, 2009, UNICEF described Afghanistan as the most dangerous place in the world for a child to be born.[13]

In den 1990er-Jahren besiegten von Pakistan aus operierende und von den USA und Saudi-Arabien finanzierte Mudschaheddin die von der Sowjetunion gestützte Regierung. Die Aufteilung der Machtbereiche scheiterte jedoch an Rivalitäten; die fundamentalistisch islamisch ausgerichteten Taliban-Milizen kamen an die Macht und setzten eine radikale Interpretation des Islam und insbesondere die Scharia mit aller Härte durch. Nach den Terroranschlägen am 11. September 2001 in den USA wurde das Taliban-Regime, das Mitgliedern von Terrororganisationen Unterschlupf gewährt hatte, im maßgeblich von den USA geführten Krieg gegen den Terror gestürzt. Das Land ist seit 2004 eine Islamische Republik und verfügt mit Hamid Karzai über einen gewählten Präsidenten, der am 2. November 2009 für eine zweite Amtszeit bestätigt wurde.

Well, I'm actually hoping that when Chris comes back we could do a real vacation. Something with fun, Relaxing, Beach, Sund and ocean.. you know what I meant.. I think for that kind of vacation I need to put 10 $ away each day, but we don't have any plans yet, so I go with one dollar a day and if we can go to the beach, it will be some extra money we can spend there, and if the beach is not happening, than we can go to Estes Park or something like that!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Day 2
and no I will not post every day now..
So far we are doing pretty ok. Caiden of course asked for his Daddy last night and this morning, but for now he is good when I tell him: Daddy is at work!
Well, we are used that Chris is gone for a couple weeks quite often, so for now this is not a very big deal for us. I think we just haven't realized that he is actually really gone for so long, hopefully it will stay like that.
Thank you every one of you for all your support, makes me feel really special and most of all really safe, too. One of my biggest issue was, what am I gonna do if something is happening, like I get sick, the car breaks down, the house is on fire (yes I really do think that;-0) but I know I have great friends here who will never let me down. So that's just great! Thank you!!!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Worldwide Candlelighting
in letzter Minute fertig geworden..
We really did finish is last minute. We installed the towel holder, mirrors and all that stuff today.
After all the hard work Chris put in that bathroom, I'm so glad he really could finish it before he leaves. I know that was really important for him.
The last couple of weeks were really stressful to all of us and we were not really nice to each other. But yesterday we took a day off, went to the movies and later to my favorite restaurant, the melting pot and stuffed ourselves stupid (I really ate too much, I didn't sleep good at all, my belly hurt so much)
So the bathroom remodeling is over! Thank Goodness!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
12 von 12
1. Amtshandlung bei Sonnenaufgang: mit dem Hund raus.

Zum Fruehstueck gibts Haferflocken mit Kaba und Milchkaffee.

Danach gehts nach Ft. Carson, die Kinder ins Daycare bringen

Tuesday, December 8, 2009
more on the happy side..

Monday, December 7, 2009
a not so good weekend
1. my husband is leaving for Afg. here pretty soon, actually we are in single digits now, which is upsetting just to have that
2. both kids a teething and had diarrhia, Caleigh especially, the poor thing had about 10-15 poopy diapers a day now, for four days. Her poop also is really acidy.. you get the picture how horrobile her little butt looks. I tried everything, but it's still pretty bad. She screams so painful when I change her it almost makes me cry too. Caiden had a little diaper rash but his was not as bad as Caleigh's.
3. our bathroom-project, we were already behind and short on time on friday. Than Chris decided to put the grout on the tiles in one piece, so he would be done with that. Bad bad choice. He was done at arround midnight, on Friday and went to bed without wiping the Grout off the tiles. On Saturday we discovered that the grout was hard as a rock and I spent four hours trying to scrub that sh*** off. I got a lot of it off. But that stuff is still sticking in every little tiny hole that the tiles have. It's like a nightmare. Chris and I spent all weekend do scrub off grout. With scrubs, brushes, harsh chemicals, knives.. you name it. My hands and arms are so sore and I have blisters all over my hands. I can't even imagine how Chris is feeling, he did double as much as I did. So far we got the tiles on the walls cleaned up, the whole floor to go. Chris had to go back to work and I just don't see it right now how we gonna finish that before he leaves...
This was supposed to be one of the last weekends we could spent together and I didn't really planned on scrubbing grout unt 1 o'clock in the morning.
Due to all that you can imagine how my mood is. First I was so pissed off, than desperate and now I'm just numb and not able to think at all.
I'm trying to have the kids in daycare for a day this week and hopefully on Saturday. I don't think Chris and I are able to go out, like we planned.. but at least we will get the damn bathroom done!
Sorry for the whining, I promise it will not get a habit
Sunday, December 6, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009
Stockings and Soft baskets

Caleigh hat den Nicolaus bekommen. Ansonsten geht es bei uns wie immer hektisch zu. Ich hab irgendwie das Gefuehl zu nichts zu kommen.. aber das gehoert wohl auch zur Vorweihnachtszeit dazu.
Heute hab ich dann aber neben den Stocking noch ein anderes kleines Projekt fertig gemacht.