Carrie is a counceler and she works for the Army Community service. She does home visits, which basically means, she comes to families, dealing with all kinds of stuff Army-related, most likely deployments. She does little craft -projects with the kids, she talkes with you about issues you may have and gives advise.
Carrie has done an amazing job, helping so many families, and really touching and changing their life.
So we are four friends, who all have Carrie as a homevisitor. And Leah came up with the idea to give something back. We know that Carrie buys a lot of the craft supplies out of her own pocket. So we got her a huge container field with all kind of craft supplies. Silke did a big photoshooting with all the families and made a wonderful scrapbook fuer Carrie.
And of course, I wanted to do a quilt. The four of us has a total of 10 kids, so we got from all the older kids (Brayden, Jessalynne, Ellyannah, Caiden and Shannon) the handprints and from the little kids (Kandan, Chastan, Caleigh, Kilian and Patryk) the footprints. Leah had some ACU Fabric, and because the Army is what brought us all together we used it for the sashing. The rest is from Leah and my stash.
Then we booked on one day (today) all back to back appointments with Carrie. Leah, who had the first appointmet told her to meet her at Iron Horse Park. We got all there before Carrie arrived, packed with food for a nice picknick.
Carrie's face was priceless when she pulled into the parkingspot and saw all of us there.
Of course we all started crying (even I did) and it was such a suprise for her..
And this is all of us, with the Quilt:
We had a wonderful day and it was so nice to finally give something back, to a person who always helps out!!
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