Monday, April 26, 2010

at the Park

today Dean visited us, so his Mom and his Sister could go to the movies and see "how to train your dragon".
We had ok weather and went outside to the Park across the street. The kids had fun..

Caiden love to climb..Miss Caleigh playing with the stones.Saying sorry after fighting...Running arround and being goofy

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Der Capt'n bei starkem Seegang..

so sieht es aus wenn Miss Caleigh laufenderweise die Welt erkundet.

Especially for you Hun, so you can see our little girl walking.. it still suprises be when she comes around the corner walking instead of on all fours... she is so hilarous.. even when she is cranky like she was when I took the video.. enjoy

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Frohe Ostern

Auch wir haben fleissig Eier versteckt, gesucht und gefunden...

Ansonsten lassen wir es uns mit Nonna gut gehen und geniessen die Zeit.. deswegen auch so wenig Blogeintraege von mir!